What is Contributory Negligence?

"Contributory negligence" refers to the harsh legal doctrine in which the injured party is barred from recovery if he is found to be guilty of negligence, no matter how slight (as slight as 1% negligent). If the other party involved in your accident is 99% responsible and you are 1% responsible, legally, you cannot recover a single penny, regardless of how serious your injuries are, when the rule of contributory negligence applies.

Enjoy Autumn Rides with Excellent Trail Etiquette

We’re in the midst of some of the most incredible fall riding conditions of the year here in the DC area - the humidity has finally abated, the air is crisp and refreshing, and the leaves have started to turn the brilliant yellows and oranges of autumn. Fall is one of the best times for cycling, which also means that it is one of the busiest times for our local trails. Before you plan your next ride, review these trail etiquette tips.

Tips for Fantastic Fall Riding

As the temperature begins to drop and the leaves begin to change, it’s the perfect time of year to enjoy many cool, relaxing fall rides. However, as we say goodbye to the summer heat, it’s important to prepare for shorter days and cooler winds to ensure that   your autumn cycling adventures are safe and comfortable. Here are a few important tips to keep in mind as you plan your next fall ride.