Know your rights in an accident. Help ensure that the roads we share are safe for all users. Get involved in your community. Support bicycle advocacy. Learn more through these useful resources.
Cycling Resources
BikeArlington: BikeArlington is an effort to build on an existing partnership between citizens, businesses, and local government in Arlington County, Virginia to encourage more people to bike more often in Arlington.
Fairfax Advocates for Better Bicycling: FABB is a volunteer-led group of concerned cyclists founded in 2005 with the goal of making bicycling an integral part of the transportation network of Fairfax County and the City of Fairfax in Northern Virginia.
The League of American Bicyclists: The League of American Bicyclists represents bicyclists in the movement to create safer roads, stronger communities, and a bicycle-friendly America. Through information, advocacy, and promotion, the League works to celebrate and to preserve the freedom cycling brings to members everywhere.
PeopleForBikes: By connecting the bicycle industry and millions of individual riders, PeopleForBikes is a national organization that generates political clout that secures a seat at the congressional table for people who benefit from bikes. Through these efforts, federal investment in bicycling has quadrupled since they've been on the scene.
Virginia Bicycling Federation: The Virginia Bicycling Federation is a statewide advocacy organization working to change public policy and community attitudes, to improve the safety, convenience, and acceptance of bicycling, and to promote bicycling for transportation, recreation, public health, and economic development.
Washington Area Bicyclist Association: The mission of the Washington Area Bicyclist Association (WABA) is to create a healthy, more livable region by promoting bicycling for fun, fitness, and affordable transportation, advocating for better bicycling conditions and transportation choices for a healthier environment, and educating children, adults, and motorists about safe bicycling. WABA serves the DC metro area, including DC, Montgomery County, Prince George’s County, Arlington County, Fairfax County, and the city of Alexandria.
Women Bike: An advocacy initiative launched by The League of American Bicyclists, Women Bike's mission is to change the face of bicycling by getting more women on bikes and participating as riders, advocates and leaders to create strong communities and to celebrate the joy of riding a bike.
Additional Resources
The Alliance for Biking & Walking: The Alliance for Biking & Walking creates, strengthens, and unites states and local bicycling and walking advocacy organizations. The organization gives advocates tools to develop campaigns that transform communities into great places to bike and walk.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration | Motorcycle Safety: Learn more about motorcycle safety as well as news and legislation relevant to motorcyclists in the United States.
Safe Routes to School National Partnership: The Safe Routes to School National Partnership is a fast-growing network of hundreds of organizations, government agencies and professional groups working to set goals, share best practices, leverage infrastructure and program funding and advance policy change to help agencies that implement Safe Routes to School programs. The Safe Routes to School National Partnership’s mission is to advance safe walking and bicycling to and from schools and in daily life, to improve the health and well-being of America’s children, and to foster the creation of livable, sustainable communities.
Verizon Wireless: Don't Text & Drive: As part of its commitment to safer communities, Verizon Wireless works to educate the public and support legislation and new technological solutions for driving responsibly. Get the facts on texting and driving.