Tips for Fantastic Fall Riding

As the temperature begins to drop and the leaves begin to change, it’s the perfect time of year to enjoy many cool, relaxing fall rides. However, as we say goodbye to the summer heat, it’s important to prepare for shorter days and cooler winds to ensure that   your autumn cycling adventures are safe and comfortable. Here are a few important tips to keep in mind as you plan your next fall ride.

I’ve Been Injured in a Crash - Who Will Pay My Medical Bills?

Who covers your medical bills can be a confusing and anxiety-inducing question if you’ve been injured in a crash. Most often, people rely on their own health insurance provider for payment in the short run. In certain circumstances, however, either the injured cyclist’s auto or bicycle insurance policy or the other driver’s insurance policy may have medical payment, or “MedPay,” coverage available to help with the bills.

Avoid Getting “Doored” - Ride Defensively

Getting “doored” occurs when a driver or passenger opens a car door without checking for oncoming traffic, resulting in the cyclist crashing into the car door. These crashes happen to urban cyclists all of the time, and can cause horrific injuries. Unfortunately, many normally careful drivers just don’t think to look before throwing open a driver’s side door, even when they’ve parked on a street with a designated bike lane.

The Top 3 Most Common Bicycle Accidents and How to Avoid Them

While there is an infinite combination of contributing circumstances in crashes involving cyclists and drivers, I have seen a pattern in my many years of investigating these incidents and representing injured cyclists. As a bicyclist, if you are aware of the most common problem areas on the road, and ride responsibly and defensively, many of these crashes can be avoided. Be aware of these potentially dangerous situations, and keep in mind my tips for avoiding these scenarios while riding.