insurance claim

Micromobility and Liability

Micromobility and Liability

The sudden presence of electric scooters, electric skateboards, and all manner of micromobility devices on our streets has raised all kinds of issues and concerns with people. Are these exciting technologies really safe? Who is liable if there is a crash involving a scooter and a car? A scooter and a scooter? A scooter and a pedestrian? A scooter and a bike?

Medical Bill Subrogation in Bicycle Crash Cases

Medical Bill Subrogation in Bicycle Crash Cases

Medical bill subrogation -  sounds a little scary, doesn’t it?  Most of you have probably never heard of subrogation before now, but if you’ve been injured in a bike accident, and your health insurance has paid for your medical treatment, it’s important for you to learn something about it.